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FAQs - What is iwoca?

A quick introduction to who we are and what we do.

Written by Jake Mellett
Updated over a week ago

Who is iwoca for?

iwoca expands possibilities for small businesses - by providing  fast, fair and flexible finance. That includes retailers, restaurants, hotels, service providers and more. Businesses use iwoca for all sorts of different purposes, from bridging short-term cashflow gaps to investing in stock opportunities.

Who are you and how did you get started?

Christoph and James launched iwoca in March 2011. Since then we've grown exponentially, lent millions of pounds to small businesses across Europe and most importantly have thousands of happy customers (check out our feedback).

How are you different from the banks?

By linking your online accounts or uploading bank statements, VAT returns or company accounts you give us a detailed understanding of your business. This means we can offer instant funding without the complex paperwork associated with a traditional business loan. We have also eliminated complex fees and offer far more flexibility.

Where are you based?

We’re based in central London, just along from Great Portland Street station. We also have offices in Leeds and Frankfurt, Germany. Drop round for a chat if you're in the area.

Can I speak to someone?

Of course. Call one of our Account Managers on 020 3397 3375 - they'll be happy to answer your questions.


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